DBTR - Località abitata (areale) - (LAB_GPG)
Corrisponde all'area di pertinenza di: Centro abitato Nucleo abitato Località produttive in ambito extraurbano Frazione Case sparse Capoluogo (di comune, provincia, regione) -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-08-12)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-12-03)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-07-03)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-05-03)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
DBTR - Toponimo (scritta cartografica) - (TOP_GPG)
I toponimi, intesi come nome proprio di un luogo o di un oggetto presente nello spazio geografico, rappresentano una chiave di lettura territoriale essenziale, utile sia per... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 avg (2020-05)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Rischio sismico - Elenco dei Comuni CLE - Condizione Limite di Emergenza
Strato informativo riportante la copertura dei Comuni regionali per i quali sono stati inviati alla Commissione tecnica di Protezione Civile nazionale, gli elaborati di Analisi... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 min (2020-07)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2021-08)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-09-06)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-22)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-07-13)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-12-14)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 max (2020-11)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Carta della vegetazione - Parco regionale fluviale del Taro (Digitale) -...
Base dati georeferenziata di tipo vettoriale contenente la carta della vegetazione. Metodo di realizzazione di tale carta ha compreso l'interpretazione e la restituzione... -
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 avg (2020-06)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-22)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-30)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Direttiva Alluvioni 2019 II Ciclo - Ambito Regione Emilia-Romagna - Bacini...
La cartografia rappresenta gli elementi potenzialmente esposti a fenomeni alluvionali a geometria poligonale, relativamente al territorio dell'Unit of Management (UoM) bacini...