Air quality prediction coverage (2021-06-28)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-12-11)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-07-11)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-11-22)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 min (2021-12)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-11-22)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
PTM CMBO - Tavola 1 - Carta della struttura
Il PTM individua nella Carta della struttura, il sistema delle infrastrutture per la mobilità, delle reti tecnologiche e dei servizi di rilievo sovracomunale. -
Osservazioni giornaliere di qualita dell aria Monossido di azoto NO
Il dataset fornisce l'evoluzione giornaliera della stima delle concentrazioni massime, minime e medie di ciascun inquinante. Questo dataset è stato creato nell'ambito del... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-06-23)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2020-04)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-09-08)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Carta della vegetazione - Parco regionale dei Laghi di Suviana e Brasimone...
Base dati georeferenziata di tipo vettoriale contenente la carta della vegetazione. Metodo di realizzazione di tale carta ha compreso l'interpretazione e la restituzione... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-07-08)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Carta dei suoli - 1:250.000 della Regione Emilia-Romagna - Edizione 1994
Carta dei suoli dell'Emilia-Romagna in scala 1:250.000 realizzata nel 1994, con aggiornamenti successivi (2000). A questo livello di dettaglio sono individuate e descritte 91... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-08-05)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-10-10)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-12-01)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-06-14)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Previsione del flusso di traffico in giorno feriale autunnale PAIR 2020...
Questo dataset contiene la previsione di un giorno generico rispetto al tipo di giorno, alla stagione e allo scenario del flusso di traffico specificati nel titolo. Questo... -
Eventi del Comune di Modena
Eventi del comune di Modena