Air quality prediction coverage (2020-06-06)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Previsione del flusso di traffico in giorno festivo primaverile PAIR 2020
Questo dataset contiene la previsione di un giorno generico rispetto al tipo di giorno, alla stagione e allo scenario del flusso di traffico specificati nel titolo. Questo... -
Osservazioni storiche sulla qualita dell aria
Questo set di dati fornisce dati grezzi (calibrati) di osservazione della qualità dell'aria per ogni anno. Questo set di dati è stato creato nel contesto del progetto TRAFAIR -... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 max (2020-04)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-12)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-09-03)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
DBTR - Elemento di percorso ciclabile - (EPC_GLI)
rappresenta l'area adibita alla circolazione di cicli -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-08)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Direttiva Alluvioni 2019 II Ciclo - Ambito Regione Emilia-Romagna - Bacini...
Cartografia che rappresenta la delimitazione delle aree potenzialmente inondabili per eventi frequenti, tempo di ritorno minore o uguale a 50 anni, come previsto dalla Dir. EU... -
Daily air quality observation coverage co avg (2021-05)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-11-10)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
DBTR - Attrezzatura per la navigazione - (ONV_GPG)
Opera adatta a garantire la navigabilità di aree idrografiche, quali canali subacquei dragati, rampe, etc. -
Daily air quality observation coverage co min (2021-02)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-05-05)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-31)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Daily air quality observation coverage co avg (2021-12)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-01)
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in the day specified in the title, it contains one time instant for each of the... -
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2021-04)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Daily air quality observation coverage co avg (2020-08)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of... -
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 max (2021-07)
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average concentrations of each pollulant.. This dataset has been created in the context of...