PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (1.4.1 Esperienza del...
List of all funding requests, related to "1.4.1 Citizen Experience in Public Services", which have been confirmed by financing decrees on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (1.2 Abilitazione e...
List of all funding requests, related to "1.2 Cloud Migration", which have been confirmed by financing decrees on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (1.4.4 Adozione Identità Digitale)
List of all funding requests, related to "1.4.4 Digital Identity Adoption", which have been confirmed by financing decrees on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (Comuni)
List of all funding requests by Municipalities which have been confirmed by financing decree on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (Scuole)
List of all funding requests by Schools which have been confirmed by financing decree on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (Pubbliche Amministrazioni)
List of all funding requests which have been confirmed by financing decree on PA digitale 2026. The dataset contains the funding requests related to public administrations which... -
Avvisi - PA digitale 2026
List of all funding programs on PA digitale 2026. -
PA Digitale 2026 PNRR - Candidature Finanziate (1.4.3 Adozione PagoPA e App IO)
List of all funding requests, related to "1.4.3 Adoption of PagoPA and App IO platforms", which have been confirmed by financing decrees on PA digitale 2026. -
Comune di Rovereto: Benefici
Provvedimenti riguardanti benefici a soggetti pubblici e privati. I dati sono disponibili tramite servizio (web service) in formato JSON. L'anteprima del dato mostra i benefici...