Osservatorio Milano - Obiettivi, Città smart
Uno degli otto obiettivi trasversali e abilitanti per le città, misurati in termini di intensità dell'azione e di risultati specifici Il portale Osservatorio Milano ha cessato... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Accessibility
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Osservatorio Milano - Benchmark
La capacità di una città di inserirsi sulla scena mondiale, proiettando un'immagine positiva di sé e attraendo persone, conoscenze organizzate e capitali Il portale Osservatorio... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Urban development and green economy
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Osservatorio Milano - Vocazioni, Scienze della vita
Una delle cinque vocazioni proprie di Milano, identificate nelle filiere e specializzazioni settoriali riconosciute a livello internazionale e a elevato potenziale di crescita... -
Milan observatory - Vocations, Agribusiness
One of the five typical vocations of Milano, identified through the business supply chains and sector specialisations recognised at international level and with a high growth... -
Milan observatory - Vocations, Manufacturing 4.0
One of the five typical vocations of Milano, identified through the business supply chains and sector specialisations recognised at international level and with a high growth... -
Milan observatory - Reputation
Intended as the city’s capability of emerging onto the world stage by projecting its positive image thus attracting people, systematic knowledge and capitals Milan Observatory... -
Milan observatory - Vocations, Finance
One of the five typical vocations of Milano, identified through the business supply chains and sector specialisations recognised at international level and with a high growth... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Qualified human capital
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Milan observatory - Goals, PA and citizens
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Osservatorio Milano - Obiettivi, Innovazione e startup
Uno degli otto obiettivi trasversali e abilitanti per le città, misurati in termini di intensità dell'azione e di risultati specifici Il portale Osservatorio Milano ha cessato... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Entertainment
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Osservatorio Milano - Vocazioni, Arte, cultura e design
Una delle cinque vocazioni proprie di Milano, identificate nelle filiere e specializzazioni settoriali riconosciute a livello internazionale e a elevato potenziale di crescita... -
Milan observatory - Attractiveness
Intended as the city’s capability of emerging onto the world stage by projecting its positive image thus attracting people, systematic knowledge and capitals Milan Observatory... -
Milan observatory - Vocations, Art, culture and design
One of the five typical vocations of Milano, identified through the business supply chains and sector specialisations recognised at international level and with a high growth... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Smart city
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication. -
Milan observatory - Vocations, Life sciences
One of the five typical vocations of Milano, identified through the business supply chains and sector specialisations recognised at international level and with a high growth... -
Milan observatory - Benchmark
Intended as the city’s capability of emerging onto the world stage by projecting its positive image thus attracting people, systematic knowledge and capitals Milan Observatory... -
Milan observatory - Goals, Innovation and startups
One of the eight cross and enabling goals for cities, measured in terms of intensity of the action and specific results Milan Observatory portal has ceased publication.
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